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Spotlight Series: Equipment Tracking for Farmers

Spotlight Series Overview Many of the GSE blog series have great content about how GSE solutions can help people across dozens of industries collect, move, and manage the data intelligence of their business. This series will get more specific and focus on the specific features of those products and solutions, and how they deliver value to people in specific job functions. The series will introduce the REAL people using GSE's products, and...

GSE and Globalstar Partner to Bring Affordable Satellite IoT to Everyone

GSatSolar Expanding Remote IoT Opportunities GSE is excited to announce a partnership with Globalstar that adds the GSatSolar to their product portfolio and increases their product offerings to the remote IoT market. GSE’s GSatSolar terminal has been pushing and expanding the boundaries of what defines a “trackable asset” to include hundreds of things that could never be tracked affordably in the past. Sporting a new firmware package, the...

New Animal Tracking Bundle for GSatSolar Series

If it roams, GSE can track it Building on the success of the GSatRancher, GSE is expanding its GSatSolar Series with exclusive animal tracking packages for as little as $5/month. Since launching the GSatRancher for cattle tracking in April of 2021, the GSatSolar Series has been tested in a number of animal and IoT markets, and the success in conservation has changed the conservation and research game entirely. GSE has worked with partners around ...

GSE as a Solution Partner

Meeting the Demands of the Remote: GSE's Satellite Connectivity Solutions As the world becomes more connected, the challenges of remaining in touch, even in the most remote corners of the globe, continue to shift and evolve. Enterprises that rely on consistent tracking for their off-grid assets—whether they're vehicles, machinery, boats, or people—need solutions that can adapt to that ever-changing connectivity landscape. GSE has been...

Save Money Series 3: Cattle Ranching

Save Money Series The Save Money Series shines a spotlight on the ways in which GSE products can be used to augment the financial efficiency of projects, individual assets, and anything else that can be tracked. The purpose of this series is to help both managers and employees draw direct lines between operational activity and ROI, and then use that information to make informed decisions about their operations. To see more Save Money Series...

Growing Business in Satellite

Growing business in the satellite industry can be an incredibly daunting challenge. For most, it means either racing other companies to capitalize on better hardware opportunities, competing in a globally open software provider market, or generally existing with the goal of expansion when the primary market (people and places that lack reliable communications) shrinks with every new 5G tower, fiber line, and infrastructure project. This industry ...

Spotlight Series: Geofences for Pasture Management

Spotlight Series Overview Many of the GSE blog series have great content about how GSE solutions can help people across dozens of industries collect, move, and manage the data intelligence of their business. This series will get more specific and focus on the specific features of those products and solutions, and how they deliver value to people in specific job functions. The series will introduce the REAL people using GSE's products, and...

Preventing the Death of Livestock

Serious Business This is not a sales blog. We do not have any interest in leveraging the death of some 2,000 animals for commercial gain. It is our hope that by the end of this article, existing GSatRancher customers will be interested in participating in a free opt-in program that will allow their data to be used anonymously in conjunction with other customers' data to solve an industry-wide problem that could cost all livestock owners billions ...

Save Lives Series 3: Locating lost or injured livestock using the GSatRancher

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Spotlight Series: GSatRancher Retention Rates

Spotlight Series Overview Many of the GSE blog series have great content about how GSE solutions can help people across dozens of industries collect, move, and manage the data intelligence of their business. This series will get more specific and focus on the specific features of those products and solutions, and how they deliver value to people in specific job functions. The series will introduce the REAL people using GSE's products, and...
