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Feature Highlight: GSatTrack - Asset Group Permissions

Managing large accounts with a multitude of assets can be a daunting task. Account holders often have several users who require access to related assets. For example, fleet managers or regional supervisors who have purview over assets within a specific region or section of a company. Assets may be somewhat transient too, such as with subcontracted assets, and new assets may be added and other assets removed as contracts or staffing changes with seasonal industries.

Managing user permissions under these sorts of circumstances then becomes a burden, and assignments often become outdated and incorrect without considerable diligence.

GSatTrack offers asset group permissions to facilitate these otherwise complicated setups.

Instead of assigning individual assets to users you can simply assign a group of assets to a user. Then, whenever assets are added or removed from that group or its subgroups, its users’ access is automatically updated without any additional steps.

GSatTrack - Asset Grouping

Users assigned to groups will then have those groups appear on their portal interface, and will be able to view all assets within them:

GSatTrack - Asset Grouping

About the Author
Ryan Ross
Director of Software Engineering

Ryan Ross is a software developer with over 26 years of experience and passion in all areas of the software development life cycle. Joining GSE in 2010, Ryan and his keyboard have played a role in the development, improvement and maintenance of virtually every internal and external GSE product.

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