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Discovering GSatTrack - Common Questions


I have heard of GSatTrack, but can you tell me how it came about?

Hardware manufacturers of telematics or tracking devices often sell their hardware along with their own software service to allow you to manage and control the feeds of information being processed through their device. The ongoing advancements of technologies within the tracking, telematics, M2M industries, combined with the more affordable GPS services and airtime within the satellite space, continues to flood the overall industry with new device options.

To this day, Global Satellite Engineering (GSE) continues to receive challenges from customers sharing their frustrations of having to login to multiple platforms to control their various devices. In addition, customers want the ability to have a bird’s eye view on all asset activities, and to manage them under one consolidated platform.

It was 14+ years ago when a customer came to GSE complaining about the inefficiencies and frustrations of having multiple device types along with multiple software programs. With that first challenge, our director and his team of Satcom engineers began the work of one of the first cloud-based universal tracking platforms, GSatTrack, to address that challenge.

GSatTrack’s technology facilitates merging of all types of devices, regardless if Cellular, Satellite, VHF, or Hybrid (dual mode Cellular/Satellite based). This includes services from all major cellular providers, and all major satellite networks such as Iridium, Inmarsat, Globalstar, and Thuraya.

To date, GSatTrack has integrated hundreds of devices from 60+ manufactures and counting. What this means to you is that you can pick and choose the most appropriate devices that address your explicit needs, and they are more than likely deploy ready on the GSatTrack platform.

You can review the extraordinary features offered by GSatTrack here.

I know GSatTrack is known to track people and assets, but is it considered a Telematics solution too?

GSatTrack accommodates all your tracking, monitoring, and managing of any asset whether that be people, vessels, fleets, boats, vehicles, trucks, trains, containers, objects…etc., regardless if stationary or on the move, and regardless of any location from pole to pole, on land, at sea, or in the air. This means that the GSatTrack platform can accommodate all of your various applications while using the same familiar software user interface. For resellers, this means new revenue streams, along with volume discounts as they provide solutions across the industries.

Administrators and users can easily access their tracking portal from any functioning browser as well as from their smartphones, both Apple and Android, and tablets, to maintain control even while on the go!

Examples of GSatTrack solutions involve Aerospace, Enterprise, Government, and Maritime markets, including:

  • Broadcasting
  • Construction
  • Container Tracking
  • Electronic Driver Log Compliance
  • Emergency Management
  • Encrypted Government Tracking
  • Fleet Management
  • Fuel Monitoring & Logistics
  • Oil & Gas Operations
  • Recreational
  • SCADA Services
  • Security Services
  • Soldier Tracking
  • Vessel Tracking
  • Custom Tracking Solutions

What are some extreme Advantages offered by GSatTrack?

Strategic and Secure Communication Interactions

One extremely valuable advantage offered by GSatTrack technology is how it creates convenient, secure, efficient communications. GSatTrack offers a variety of options for Two-Way Communication that includes basic messaging, group messaging, message relaying, and message destination IDS (messaging short codes):

  • Between users in the field and portal operators
  • Between users in the field and email/SMS contacts
  • Directly between Users in the field
  • And even those using different types of messaging devices

GSatTrack technology creates a means of communications between devices that would not typically communicate between one another, thus maximizing strategic communication capabilities. There are many options for efficient, two-way communication between asset users, portal operators and even third parties.

More details on GSatTrack – Messaging can be found here

Another key GSatTrack Advantage is the enormous cost savings

Free Open Source Software vs GSatTrack

Indeed, there are many "Free" open-source software solutions, however, keep in mind this will require you to learn, install, host, maintain, and self-support those services with internal costs for your own engineer support.

GSatTrack’s cloud-based portal is a fully functioning software product that requires no development on your end, no setup, and no systems engineers, allowing you to kick into action right away. Managers can make the decision to implement GSatTrack and start building their organization-wide data ecosystem in minutes. The alternatives to GSatTrack, whether proprietary software builds or market competitor products, typically require extensive setup, systems administrators, and long and involved product training as part of the onboarding process.

Once deployed, GSatTrack helps managers save time with automation tools, alerts, and advanced reporting features that cut down on the time required to process complex data sets by synthesizing information in a way that calls attention to decision-relevant or actionable data first and foremost.

GSatTrack continues to evolve as the most versatile software on a multilingual platform, with dynamic and interactive features that enhance the command and control of all assets with a friendly user interface that unleashes strategic solutions that saves lives, saves time, and saves money. You can focus on your areas of expertise, whether hardware development, marketing, or sales, while GSE focuses on the engineering expertise to develop and maintain the most Satellite focused Satellite and GSM tracking solution as is known industry wide.

For more information on GSatTrack ROI, please see our piece about converting data to dollars.

Can I get a Free Trial of GSatTrack?

Yes indeed! GSE offers a FREE 30 trial for you to fully explore the feel and results of GSatTrack. Creating a friendly user interface has been as critical to GSE has creating a feature rich, flexible platform. You will also receive an easy to follow user manual and will have access to How to Videos.

GSE solution consultants are always available to discuss your needs and assist you in your discoveries.

You can kick off by adding any of the devices that are already deploy ready on the on the GSatTrack platform. Scroll through the Device Look-up section to see if the device(s) you have are on the list (note we are constantly adding new devices, so if you do not see your device listed, please contact GSE).

If you have not yet procured your devices, you can kick off by using your Smartphones (Android and/or iPhone). GSE has many customers that only use smartphones as their primary device to create a secure means of individual and group communications, as well as to add a means of safety through monitoring locations and creating custom alerts and dynamic geofences that allow important interactions between administrators and users.

GSE can offer you the ability to add up to 10 devices on your demo account. GSE takes special circumstances into consideration on a case by case basis, so it is always good to speak with one of us GSE solution consultants to help meet your needs.

I hope this article helps you gain a better insight on what GSatTrack is all about and that you sign up to give it a try. I also hope you feel comfortable enough to reach out and connect with one of us live to discuss your interests further and see how we may best assist you with your project needs.
There is no obligation.

About the Author
Abby Kennedy
Government Business Development

Abby Kennedy has spent over 18 years developing business in the government sector having directly contracted over 55 million in IT related solutions the first five years, then dedicating the following 13 years consulting and guiding companies in how to align their solution capabilities for contracting success. GSE is pleased to have Abby join our team to lead the development of our strategic government business.

Contact Abby Kennedy at

More Information

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