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GSatTrack How to Series: Account Setup Step 2: Adding an Asset

add asset
Part of a video miniseries on getting a new account set up to begin tracking, Scott walks us through the process of adding an asset. ...

GSatTrack for your Customers: Remote Asset Management Tools

Building Business To Business (B2B) Relationships GSE provides products and services to a whole host of people, companies, and organizations. Some of our most beneficial relationships have come from B2B activity. Many of these businesses combine the products and services that GSE provides with their own to enhance their clients' experiences. This model has proven effective time and again for GSE, the business partners we work with, and the...

GSatTrack How To Series: Account Setup Step 1 - Configuration

account setup 1
Scott walks us through the process of getting a new account set up and configured. ...

Spotlight: Life Saving Timed Check-ins

Saving Lives with GSatTrack Timed Check-ins One of the most common strategies to support lone worker safety protocols is the use of timed check-ins. Workers operating by themselves or in dangerous environments check-in at specified intervals, and whenever a timed check-in is missed, GSatTrack initiates the protocol set up by the portal administrator. In another article, Justin Sowell explained the value of GSatTrack's Lone Worker support suite...

GSatTrack How to Series: Visibility

visibility tools
In this excellent video for anyone with a lot of Assets, Places, Geofences, or other portal objects who want to quickly narrow their map display to only see certain things, Scott shows us how the Visibility Toggle works. ...

GSatTrack How to Series: Groups

Groups - add
Groups are a critical feature, and knowing how to use them can save time. ...

GSatTrack for your Customers: Map Controls and Features

Building Business To Business (B2B) Relationships GSE provides products and services to a whole host of people, companies, and organizations. Some of our most beneficial relationships have come from B2B activity. Many of these businesses combine the products and services that GSE provides with their own to enhance their clients' experiences. This model has proven effective time and again for GSE, the business partners we work with, and the...

GSatTrack How to Series: Jump Navigation

Jump Navigation
Jump Navigation allows users to quickly move between different objects in the Details Panel. Scott shows how the time-saving feature can help make changes to various assets with fewer clicks. ...

GSatTrack How to Series: Details Panel

detail panel
Scott shows us the Details Panel, which is a great way to interact with Assets in the ecosystem through a number of more advanced features. ...

GSatTrack for your Customers: Off-the-shelf Solutions

Building Business To Business (B2B) Relationships GSE provides products and services to a whole host of people, companies, and organizations. Some of our most beneficial relationships have come from B2B activity. Many of these businesses combine the products and services that GSE provides with their own to enhance their clients' experiences. This model has proven effective time and again for GSE, the business partners we work with, and the...
